Effectiveness, Resistance, and Prospects of Antiviral Treatments for Influenza

Influenza is a respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It leads to fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and fatigue in individuals. It can be treated with the help of antiviral medication, which can effectively prevent the spread of infection. In this article, we are going to discuss the effect of antiviral medication in treating influenza and its future prospects.

Current Influenza Antiviral Treatments

Antivirals are a category of medications that are effective in treating influenza viruses. Adamantanes and neuraminidase inhibitors are the major antivirals used in influenza.

1. Inhibitors of Neuraminidase

Neuraminidase enzymes facilitate the entry of viruses into host cells. Neuraminidase inhibitors work by obstructing this enzyme, consequently decreasing the propagation of infection within the body. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) are recognized as potent neuraminidase inhibitors.

2. Adamantanes

This medicine helps prevent the uncoating of the virus (viral DNA/RNA separates from the viral capsid), thus preventing the entry of viral materials into the human cells. Examples for adamantanes are amantadine and rimantadine.

The potency of antiviral treatments

Some of the potency of antiviral treatments are given below:

1. Early Commencement of Antiviral Therapy

The effect of antiviral medication will be improved when we use it early. Research says that administering antiviral medication within 48 hr of symptoms will effectively reduce the intensity of the virus and its complications. This reduces the risk of viruses in elders, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems.

2. Resistance to Viral Infections

Neuraminidase inhibitors may not always be as successful as a medication, depending on the strains of influenza that are circulating and how vulnerable they are to it. During influenza outbreaks, monitoring data on antiviral resistance frequency is crucial for treatment decision-making.

The rise of resistance to antivirals

The influenza virus, which is spread worldwide, will become resistant to antiviral medications, which will reduce the medication’s effects and limit the therapeutic options for flu.

Antiviral Resistance Mechanisms

The virus that causes the influence will undergo mutation, which leads to a change in the viral protein structure and reduces the effect of neuraminidase inhibitors. The antiviral resistance will make the medications more difficult to treat the virus.

A Hopeful Antiviral for Treating Influenza

Fabiflu Tablet contains an active ingredient called Favipiravir, which helps to treat the influenza virus effectively. It was the first developed antiviral medication against RNA viruses like Lassa and ebola.

1. Mechanism of Action

It selectively inhibits the enzyme (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase), which involves the replication of the virus, thereby stopping the spread of viral infection.

2. Effectiveness of Influenza Therapy

Favipiravir's efficacy has shown a positive result, effectively treating influenza virals in patients. Oseltamivir is effective in reducing the symptoms of influenza in many patients in clinical trials.

3. Possibility of Lowering Infection Resistance

Regarding the establishment of resistance, favipiravir'sfavipiravir's unique method of action could be advantageous over neuraminidase inhibitors. Since it targets a different viral component and could be less likely to generate cross-resistance with other antivirals, it might be a potential for those with influenza strains that are resistant to other antivirals.

Antiviral Treatments' Prospects for the Future

Future methods for treating influenza infections may be improved by current research and the creation of antiviral medications.

1. Creation of New Antiviral Substances

Scientists are finding new antiviral targets and developing innovative medications that are decreasing the burden of influenza. Novel approaches may offer other treatment choices, like focusing on host elements for viral entry or replication.

2. Modified Regimens

Research is being done on combination therapy, which uses many antiviral medications at once to increase treatment efficacy and reduce the likelihood of resistance developing. Complementary mechanisms of action of several antiviral medication classes may help manage patients with severe influenza.


The antiviral medications can reduce the severity of the influenza virus. It helps to increase the recovery rate of patients affected by influenza. Research and development help to provide a solution for viral resistance against medications. The impact of antiviral medication can be improved by proper clinical trials and advancement in the medicines, which helps to address those people who have antiviral resistance to the previous existing medications. Let's fight against influenza together with the help of antiviral medication.